Дональд Трамп, победивший на выборах президента в США, на своей странице в социальных сетях предложил легендарному хоккеисту Уэйну Гретцки баллотироваться на пост премьер-министра Канады
Donald Trump suggested that hockey legend Wayne Gretzky run for Prime Minister of Canada on his social media page. Trump claimed Gretzky would easily win without even campaigning.
The text humorously implies that Trump's suggestion was not seriously considered and that he encourages Canadians to support Gretzky for the position.
Donald Trump suggested that hockey legend Wayne Gretzky run for Prime Minister of Canada on his social media page. Trump claimed Gretzky would easily win without even campaigning. The text humorously implies that Trump's suggestion was not seriously considered and that he encourages Canadians to support Gretzky for the position.